62 Programming
– to be used, when the user is forced to enter the code. If used, a silent alarm
will be triggered. By default, it consists of a suitable number of digits 4 (e.g. if the prefix
length has been set at 3, the default prefix will be: 444).
The prefixes and their validity can be programmed by the administrator (master), using the
Each change of the prefix length restores the prefix factory values.
The service code need not be preceded by a suitable prefix – it is enough when the
number of digits preceding the code matches the prefix length.
RTC clock correction
[Clock adjustm.] – if the accuracy of control panel clock is inadequate,
the clock settings may be adjusted once per 24 hours (at midnight) by a defined time. The
correction time is programmed in seconds. The maximum correction can be ±19 seconds
per 24 hours.
Summer/winter time
[Daylight saving] – the control panel can automatically adjust the clock
settings due to a change from the summer time to the winter time according to the
selected schedule.
Summer time from
– if the control panel clock is to be corrected by 1 or 2 hours according to
dates, you should enter the dates (day, month) after the clock is changed to the summer
time (moved forward).
Winter time from
– if the control panel clock is to be corrected by 1 or 2 hours according to
dates, you should enter the dates (day, month) after the clock is changed to the winter
time (moved back).
Time server
– if the control panel is to synchronize the time with the server (automatically
and after suitable function is enabled by the installer or master user), enter the address of
time server supporting the NTP protocol. Time synchronization is possible when the
ETHM-1 module is connected.
Do not report time server trouble
[No t.serv.trbl] – with this option enabled, no trouble will
be reported if there is no communication with the time server.
Time zone
– if the control panel is to synchronize the time with the server, indicate the time
zone, i.e. the difference between the universal time (GMT) and the zone time.
PING test
– the ETHM-1 modules with firmware version 1.05 (or later) can test
communications by using the PING command sent to the indicated network device. The
ETHM-1 module will be testing communication after the parameters described below are
configured and the PING
option is enabled in the module itself. In the D
program, you can program the PING test parameters in the "Structure" window,
"Hardware" tab, after you click on the keypad bus.
Address to test
[PING] – address of the device to which the module is to send the PING
command to test communications. It can be entered as an IP address (4 decimal
numbers separated by dots) or as a name.
[PING period] – the interval between consecutive communication tests by using the
PING command. If value 0 is programmed, the communication test will be disabled.
Tries no. before trouble
[PING tries] – the number of unsuccessful communication tests
(the module has received no answer to the PING command sent) after which trouble will
be reported. If value 0 is programmed, the communication test will be disabled.
Integration encryption key
[Integrate key] – if the ETHM-1 module is used for integration of
the control panel with other systems and the communication over Ethernet network is to be
encrypted, enter the key with which the data will be encrypted: up to 12 alphanumeric