§ Rudder Modification (Optional)
T-45 Goshawk Composite
Tip, use a piece of masking tape or painters
tape to mark the location of the slot and to cut
out the slot, this will make marking easier and
will protect the fiberglass gel coat from
Once you have marked the location for the
servo arm slot cut the slot with a hobby knife, a
hobby saw or a small rotary cutter. You can
clean up the slot using small needle files.
Bond servo to inside of rudder using Epoxy
Once you are happy with the slot dry fit the
servo in the vertical stabilizer and plan your
bonding strategy.
Before you bond the servo in it’s final location
make sure that you center the servo and install
the servo arm in the correct position using the
retaining screw.
Feed the wire through the holes in the rudder
base reinforcement plate and attach a servo
extension leading to the front of the fuselage.
Bond the servo in position using Epoxy adhesive
making sure the servo arm is centered in the
slot you cut out.
Make sure that you bond the servo only to the
side of the rudder where the slot is. If you bond
the servo to both sides you will deform the
vertical stabilizer and may disrupt the smooth
operation of the rudder.
Once the Epoxy adhesive is dry test the servo to
make sure it did not seize-up due to any stray
Reinforce Vertical Stabilizer
Required Parts
Fuselage [F]
Rudder option wooden elements [F2]
Required Tools and Adhesives
Sharp Hobby Knife, Hobby Saw
12 Minute Epoxy Adhesive
Thin CA Adhesive
Thick CA Adhesive
Double the thickness and add strength to the
vertical reinforcement by bonding the two
pieces to each other using thin CA adhesive. Let
them dry.
The vertical stabilizer reinforcement is a tight fit.
Maneuver it into place by inserting it laterally
and then rotating it into position. You want to
make sure you have a nice tight and flush fit.
Once the vertical stabilizer reinforcement is in
position bond it in place. If you feel you have
enough space we recommend you bond it with
Epoxy adhesive but if space is limited you can
use CA adhesive.
Install vertical stabilizer reinforcement
As with the rudder, fit a couple of triangular
pieces to the top and bottom of the vertical
stabilizer. Bond them in using CA adhesive.
Once you have completed the assembly of the
filler pieces sand them flush with the vertical