Safety, Operation and Maintenance Manual
SRT45 Off-Highway Truck
Fig. 2.4-16
2.4.19 Accumulator
Accumulator contains highly pressurized
nitrogen.Improper operation of accumulator
can cause explosion and serious accidents.
Therefore, the following precautions must be
Never disassemble the accumulator.
Never let the accumulator be near a fire
source or exposed in flame.
N e v e r p u n c h , w e l d o r fl a m e - c u t o n
Never strike or roll the accumulator, or let
it bear any impact.
The gas must be released when disposing
o f t h e a c c u m u l a t o r. C o n t a c t S a n y
distributor for this disposal.
2.4.20 Avoiding fire and explosion
Never smoke when handling the fuel or
maintaining the fuel system. The gases in
empty fuel tank can cause explosion easily.
Never carry out
ame-cutting or welding
operation on fuel pipe, fuel tank or fuel
vessels, which can lead to
re, explosion,
injury or death.
Then engine must be shut down and
electrical equipment must be switched
off when refueling the tank. Be extremely
careful when adding fuel to a hot engine.
N o s p a r k s s h a l l o c c u r a r o u n d t h e
grounding nozzle.
Handle all solvents and dry chemicals in
a place with good ventilation according to
the steps indicated on vessel.