SRT45 Off-Highway Truck
Safety, Operation and Maintenance Manual
8 L U B R I C A T I O N A N D
8.1 Safety Precautions
Do not allow unauthorized personnel to
service or maintain this truck. Study the
Operator ’s Handbook and Maintenance
Manual before starting, operating or servicing
this truck. Always follow procedures and safety
precautions detailed in the Service Manual.
Always attach a 'DO NOT OPERATE' or
similar warning sign to ignition switch or a
control before cleaning, lubricating or servicing
the truck. Never allow anyone to work on the
truck while it is moving. Make sure no one is
on the truck before working on it. Do not work
under or near an unblocked or unsupported
body. Always use the body safety pins. Do
not work under or near any unblocked or
unsupported linkage, part or truck.
Always relieve pressure before servicing any
pressurized system. Follow the procedures
a n d s a f e t y p r e c a u t i o n s d e t a i l e d i n t h e
Maintenance Manual. Always shut down the
engine according to the procedure under
'Stopping The Engine', described on page 4-11,
before cleaning, lubricating or servicing the
truck, except as called for in this Handbook or
the Maintenance Manual.
When changing oil in the engine, transmission
and hydraulic systems, or removing hydraulic
lines, remember that the oil may be hot and
can cause burns to unprotected skin. When
working on or around exhaust components,
remember that the components may be hot
and can cause burns to unprotected skin.
Always deflate the tyre before attempting to
remove any embedded objects or removing
the tyre and rim assembly from the truck.
Always use a self-attaching chuck with a long
airline, and, stand to one side while the tyre
is inflating. Refer to 4.11 in the Maintenance
Lubrication and Servicing