4. Operation
4.1 Controller Description
4.2 Indicating
Upon connecting power the unit is in a state of automatic operation and the input
signal or load current capacity is indicated on the front display.
If press [ENT] Key more than 2 second change display to input signal and load current
capacity R and T line.
Top LED is control signal input sign. (Unit=%)
Middle LED is load current capacity sign of line R. (Unit=A)
Bottom LED is load current capacity sign of line T. (Unit=A)
4.3 Changing Parameters
The set value can be changed by using [▲], [▼] and [ENT] key.
If press the [PAR] key, shift input signal to [PAS] for password input.
2) Pass value can be changed by using the increase[▲] and decrease[▼] key on
displayed PAS display.
3) After changing the value of a password, the right decimal point blinks, indication