S&C Instruction Sheet 461-504 35
Using TripSaver
II Service Center Confi guration Software Version 1.8
Create Report
A repor t of the configuration settings and the Event log displayed in the
TripSaver II Service Center Confi guration Software can be printed by selecting the
Tools>Create Report
option or by clicking on the
Create Report
button in the
quick access toolbar. This feature is available in both the
(offl ine) mode,
(online) mode, or when a snapshot fi le is open.
Customer privacy is important to us. No logging information is sent back to S&C
Electric Company or any third-party company over the Internet during this process.
The report generated will reside locally on the computer.
Report format.
Select the preferred format for the report created, either in html or csv.
What to report.
Use the checkbox to select the contents to be reported, either
Settings, or Event Log, or both. The Event Log checkbox is grayed out in the
(offline) mode.
Save to file.
This displays the file to which the report created will be saved. Type a
full file path including the folder and desired name of the file into the field, or use the
button on the right to select a desired directory, and then name the file. The
report will be created on the desktop if a path is not specified.
Note: Do not select a directory on a network drive.
Open after save.
Select the checkbox to open the file automatically after it is saved.
Click on this button to generate a report. This button is grayed out when none
of the checkboxes in the
What to report
field are selected or when the
Save to file
path is left empty.
Click on this button to exit the
Create Report
When a report file is created, an information message similar to that shown in
Figure 50 will be displayed.
Figure 50. A dialog box showing a report successfully generated and its file location.
Under the
feature, preferences can be changed for PC-to-TripSaver II
communication-related logging, several communication parameters can be set, and the
default settings the software uses under the
(offl ine) mode can be changed.
The two logging-related features are mainly intended for engineering-debugging use in
case the communications encounter any unexpected errors. S&C recommends that cus-
tomers use default settings unless instructed to do otherwise by S&C technical support.
: Customer privacy is important to us. No logging information is sent back to S&C
or any third-party company over the Internet. All logging information is stored locally
on the computer.