Checking Operation of Disconnect
Repeat Steps 17 through 19 for each pole-unit.
Step 17
Check operation of the blade using the following
a. Bolt the temporary manual operating handle
to the disconnect drive-shaft crank. See
Figure 16. Firmly crank the disconnect to its
fully open position. Visually check that the
disconnect blade opens to 90° to 96° from
horizontal. See Figure 17.
b. If the blade does not open 90° to 96°, shim
underneath the disconnect base as required
to make up for any irregularities or distortion
in the mounting surface.
c. Make sure the pole-unit base is level, and that
the interrupter is vertically aligned with the
disconnect pole-unit insulators.
Figure 17. Check the angle of the disconnect blade.
90° to 96°
Level base
Figure 16. Attach the manual operating handle to the drive-shaft crank.
Pole-unit base
Drive shaft crank
Temporary handle