Use additional applications >
Tap an image.
Scroll up or down to view more thumbnails.
View an image.
Tap to set the
current image as
the background
image or a
contact icon.
Tap to share the
current image.
Tap to zoom in
or out.
Tap to delete the
current image.
Large images may take some time to load.
During a slideshow, tap the screen to stop the slideshow.
Gallery list options
Capture picture
Switch to camera mode to take a photo.
Capture video
Switch to camcorder mode to record a video.
Multiple choices*
Use the following menus by selecting multiple
files from the list.
- Share : Share images or videos:
· Images: Send via Bluetooth or email, upload
to Picasa, or share with AllShare.
· Video: Send via Bluetooth or email or
upload to YouTube.
- Delete : Delete all selected files.
You must create a WLAN connection
to use AllShare, YouTube, Picasa, or
email (Google Mail or Email).
Set various options, such as file order or slide
show transitions.
Select all*
Select all files in a folder.
* Available only on a file selection screen.