OfficeServ 500 Wireless LAN Service Manual/Ed.00
CHAPTER 5. Maintenance
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page 5-11
Figure 5.8 Web screen for upgrading the WBS24 S/W (Initial screen)
Cautions against the roaming of the WBS24
If the PC is roamed to another
WBS24 while upgrading, the upgrade will be
interrupted and the flash memory will not be functioning. Accordingly, locate the PC
as close as possible from the WBS24. To prevent roaming to another WBS24, it is
recommended that all of the WBS24 power should be turned off for safety.
2) Select the [Upgrade] menu. The user name and password will be asked if
connected for the first time. Enter the user name and password by inquiring from
the system manager.(Example : User name, Password-wlan)
Figure 5.9 Web screen for upgrading the WBS24 S/W (Screen to enter a password)