146 Users Manual
- It is recommended using Long Preamble. Preamble is a signal for data
transmission synchronization. Short Preamble may be supported by some types
of APs but may cause compatibility problems.
- It is recommended using a static IP.
- Since static channel selection is more reliable than auto channel selection, it is
recommended setting a static channel.
Q5 In the Windows XP 'Available wireless networks' window, the Wireless
Network Connection is displayed as 'Not Available'.
When there is a Wireless LAN button, ensure that the Wireless LAN button is
turned on.
Check if there is additional program for a wireless LAN connection installed.
Windows XP supports wireless LAN connections through the Wireless Zero
Configuration (WZC) service. Therefore, an additional program for wireless
LAN connection is not required, unless the network requires a specific program.
However, installation of some wireless LAN related programs may sometimes
disable the [View Available Wireless Networks] window supported by WZC
service. Exit the wireless LAN related program then check whether the window
is enabled.
Initialize the device driver.
Click Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System >
Hardware tab > Device Manager > Network adapters, and select the wireless
LAN adapter. Right-click the network adaptor and select 'Disable'. Then right-
click over the network adaptor and select 'Enable' after a short wait to check that
the device is operating properly.
Right-click the My computer icon, and select Manage. When the Computer
Management window appears, double-click Services and Applications on the
left, and then click Services from the sub menu tree. Select the Standard tab in
the right pane, double-click Wireless Zero Configuration and check that Startup
Type is configured to Automatic, and the Service status is Started.
In the case of Windows XP, click Advanced in the [Wireless Network
Connection] dialog box (see 'Connecting to an Access Point (AP)' (p80)) and
make sure that 'Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings' is
This may happen when a third-party wireless network setup program (e.g.
PROSet) other than Windows XP default program is installed. For setting up a
wireless network using the Windows XP program, this option should be selected.