4.1 Installation requirements
Prior to installation, make sure that the follow-
ing requirements are met:
– Proper voltages and control signals re-
quired to operate the actuator are avail-
– Electrical lines are de-energized.
– Pipelines are depressurized and cold.
Choose the attachment position of the linear
actuator so as to ensure the following:
– The actuator can be easily accessed.
– There is sufficient space to remove the cover
(see "3 Dimensions").
– The actuator is protected against excessive
heat radiation.
– The ambient temperature is in the range
from -20 to +60
If installed outdoors, the actuator must be pro-
tected with an additional cover, e.g. against
humidity (rain, snow), heat (direct sunlight),
cold (frost), excessive draft, dust, etc.
When ambient temperatures are subjected to
strong fluctuations and if the humidity is high,
we recommend installing a heating resistor to
minimize the formation of condensate in the
housing (see "8.1 Heating").
If installed in an environment with a high pol-
lutant concentration, (e.g. in areas with a high
traffic volume, industrial areas, near coastal
regions), the external actuator parts must be
made of non-corrosive material and be
coated with a special finish.
4.2 Mounting position
The mounting position is arbitrary, however,
the linear actuator must not be vertically sus-
When mounted with the actuator stem in hori-
zontal position, the yoke must be mounted
such that its two rods are positioned vertically
one on top of the other.
4.3 Attaching the actuator to a
control valve
On delivery, the actuator stem is extended to
the lower final position.
Prior to assembly, check the following:
– Does the technical data of the linear actua-
tor match the application requirements?
– Is the valve complete (yoke on the actuator
or on the valve)?
– Are the coupling parts aligned?
– Is the linear actuator ready - with ring nut
and coupling parts for attachment to the
Fig. 6
Mounting position with horizontal actuator stem