Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Xdrop
at a Glance
page 03
Targeted enrichment overview
Xdrop™ instrument overview
Required items for Xdrop™ dPCR
Suggested Samplix products
Equipment and reagents for Xdrop™ supplied by the user
Chapter 2: dPCR – General Considerations
page 09
dPCR assay design
Target sequence
Primer design guidelines
DNA sample preparation
Primer optimization
Chapter 3: dPCR Setup
page 12
Preparations for dPCR
Setup of dPCR reaction
Positive control dPCR reaction
Prepare dPCR cartridge
Collect generated droplets
Chapter 4: Single DNA Molecule Detection and Sorting of Droplets
page 20
Requirements for flow cytometer analyzer and cell sorter
Notes to operator
Preparation of droplets for flow cytometry
Flow cytometry analysis of dPCR droplets
Set up flow cytometry with Cell sorter control droplets
Sorting of PCR positive dPCR droplets
Samplix ApS
Mileparken 28
DK – 2730 Herlev
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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is prohibited without written permission of Samplix ApS