Chapter 3: dPCR Setup
Preparations for dPCR
Use the Samplix Primer test PCR kit (Cat. No. RE10200) to determine the optimal primer concentration and annealing
temp for the dPCR reaction in the Samplix dPCR mix (2X)
as described in the previous chapter (Chapter 2: dPCR –
General Considerations). NB: Do not use any other reagents instead of Samplix dPCR kit (Cat. No. RE10100) for Xdrop™
dPCR droplet production as this may compromise droplet production, droplet stability, and downstream enrichment.
Samplix provides a Positive control kit (Cat. No. CO10200) that contains DNA template and two primer pairs; one for
dPCR and one for validation qPCR after dMDA. See instructions next page.
Setup of dPCR reaction
Prepare the dPCR reaction mix after the table below.
Prepare mix for all reactions (40 μl/reaction total). Keep the reagents and the dPCR reaction mix on ice.
Prepare dilutions of the correct amount of template DNA. Calculate the optimal amount of input template DNA
using the online sample calculation tool
Add 2 μl of template DNA dilution to 38 μl dPCR reaction mix to get 40 μl/reaction total.
Keep the reaction mix at 4°C until loading on dPCR cartridge followed by immediate insertion of the dPCR cartridge
on the Xdrop™ instrument.
dPCR reaction mix
O (molecular grade)
17,2 μl
dPCR mix (2x)
20 μl
Primer Forward 10 µM
0,4 μl
Primer Reverse 10 µM
0,4 μl
Total mix
38 μl
Template DNA
2 μl