Instruction manual
Rear - front and rear flail mowers
Prohibited actions
Bear in mind the following prohibited actions when operating the mower:
Do not unblock the mower, make any adjustments or repairs when the mower is operating,
Never change the sequence of operation and maintenance works specified in the operator's
Never operate the mower when its working condition is poor or its safety guards are damaged,
Never get your limbs close to mower's rotating parts,
During repair and maintenance works on the mower always comply with the descriptions
included in the operator's manual, while making sure the tractor’s drive is turned off,
Before any works, focus your attention solely on the tasks to do,
Never operate the mower being under influence of alcohol, drugs, or strong medicines,
Wear clothing that is not too loose, or too tight. Too loose clothing elements may be pulled in
by the mower's rotating parts,
Make sure the mower is not operated by children no handicapped people.
When describing residual risk, the mower shall be considered a machine, which until the
moment of production launching had been designed and manufactured in accordance with the state
of the art at the day of the manufacture.
Despite following the specified instructions and prohibitions, residual risk is
still present.
4.7.1. Residual risk assessment
Keep the following recommendations:
read operator’s manual thoroughly,
make sure no person remains on the mower when operating and driving,
make sure no person remains within the mower’s operating range,
before any adjustment, maintenance and lubrication works on the mower, make sure its
engine is turned off,
repair works on the mower can be done by properly qualified and skilled personnel only,
before operating the mower, carefully read the operator’s manual,
make sure that no children and unauthorized personnel stays around the mower
In the event when avoiding or eliminating professional risk resulting from
exposure to noise is not possible through use of mass safety device or work
organization, the employer (farmer):
1) makes available personal hearing safety devices if the levels of noise in
working environment exceed 80 dB.
2) makes available personal hearing safety devices and ensures they are
properly used if the levels of noise in the working environment reach or
exceed 85 dB.
4.8. Safety labels and their meanings
All warning labels should be clean and legible,
Lost or damaged labels must be replaced,
New labels can be ordered at the Manufacturer.