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Figure 3.2 Calibration Short Standard
4) Disconnect the open standard with the calibration port, connect the short standard, and press [Short] button, then the screen
will prompt “[SHORT] Measuring...”. After completing short standard measurement, the [Short] button on the right side of the
menu bar is underlined as [Short], and the prompt massage saying ““Please connect [LOAD], and start calibrating by pressing
corresponding soft key”.
5) Disconnect the short standard with the calibration port, connect the load, and press [Load] key, then the screen will prompt
“[LOAD] Measuring...”. After completing the load measurement, the [Load] item on the right side of the menu bar is underlined
as [Load], and the prompt massage saying “Please Press “Done” soft key to finish the calibration” is popped up on the display
screen as shown in Figure 3.3. Then press the [Done] key to complete the calibration.
Figure 3.3 Complete Mechanical Calibration
Cable Test
Return Loss/VSWR Measurement