On the Main screen you will see a series of tabs along the top, these are:
- Product
- Settings
- Programming
- Support
The product page is the main screen that appears when the Smart Technology software is first opened.
This screen detects which Pro Flight hardware you have plugged in and shows it on this screen. If you have no Pro Flight hardware plugged in, the Pro
Flight Rudder Pedals will appear in the screen. This is because they are first in the list.
Near the bottom center of the page there is a drop down selector box which allows you to alter the controller you wish to change the settings or
programming for.
In the settings tab you can alter the force settings for each of the 4 force sensing buttons, F1 to F4. This is done in a similar way to the Force tab in the
Game Controller Settings.
On the left side of the screen is the force test area. This area allows you to test the
forces on the X, Y and Rudder axes.
On the right side of the screen is the “Set Forces” area, this area allows you to set your
force for each of the force sensing buttons.
You will see 4 buttons, F1 to F4, these are the same buttons that are on your switch
To change a force for any of the buttons, click that button. For example, F2. You can
then move the sliders, which are underneath the buttons, to your desired force. You will
notice that the actual forces being applied to the stick are registered above each of the
At the bottom of the screen there is a Force Units icon. Clicking this will scroll through
force units that are available to use. These are: Kilograms Force (Kgf), Newtons (N) and
Pounds Force (Lbs).
Once the force settings are tested and set to the desired level, click on the Save Forces
icon, located just under the sliders. There is also a Reload last saved forces icon
which, in case you have made changes to your forces you do not like, will revert your
settings to the previously saved settings. The Reset to default forces will reset all
forces on the F1 to F4 keys to their default state.