Airfield Lighting
Safegate Group
Date: October 2016
Version: 1.4
Page 15 of 42
SafeLED Elevated Bidirectional light fixtures comes with different built in azimuth and
altitude angles depending on which application it is used for. SafeLED Elevated
Unidirectional light fixtures have built in altitude angle dependent of the application but
should be positioned to the correct azimuth angle upon installation and are therefore
only available as a straight toe in option (0° azimuth angle).
The recommended standard angles for SafeLED Elevated light fixtures can be found
in the sections
2.2.1 Azimuth angle
2.2.2 Altitude angle.
Azimuth angle
Runway Edge Lighting (RE-E) - L-862(L) = 4° Toe in
(Built in)
Compliant with:
Runway width of 45 m, Toe in of 3,5°
Runway width of 60 m, Toe in of 4,5°
Runway End Lighting (RN-E) - L862E(L) = 0°
(Built in)
Unidirectional Runway Threshold Lighting (RT-E) - L-862E(L) = 0° or Toe in of 3,5°
(Set upon installation)
Bidirectional* Runway Threshold Lighting - L-862E(L) = 0° or Toe in of 3,5°
(Built in)
* The green side of a Runway Threshold/End (RTN-E) light fixture.
Stop Bar Lighting - L-862S(L) = 0°
(Built in)
Altitude angle
Runway Edge Lighting = +3,5°
(Built in)
Runway End Lighting = +2,5°
(Built in)
Runway Threshold Lighting = +5,5°
(Built in)
Stop Bar Lighting = +5,5°
(Built in)
, adjustment possibilities ± 4,5°
Definition of Light Emission Directions
The SafeLED Elevated light fixtures are marked with A and B direction on the outside
of both the bottom cover and the top cover.
There is an arrow on the top side of the light fixture. This arrow indicates a
bidirectional light fixtures orientation with respect to the runway centre line.
Bidirectional light fixtures must always be installed with the arrow pointing to the
centreline. This is important because the bidirectional light fixtures have built in
azimuth angles but also to ensure, when using a monitoring and control-system, that
the correct side (A or B) is addressed.
If a bidirectional light fixture is to be placed on the centre line, align the light fixture A-
and B-side according to
The arrow is only to be used for bidirectional light fixtures. Unidirectional light fixtures
does not have integrated toe-in and needs to be set in correct position when installed,
using the sight device. For more information how to install the light fixture, see 3.1