이 자료는 저작권법에 따라 보호받는 저작물이므로 무단배포 및 무단복제를 금하며, 내용의 전부 또는 일부를 이용하려면, 반드시 한국 VictorRuoshui 社 의 서면동의를 받아야 합니다.
Figure 6 Figure 7
To clean the saved Rk value, press
Key for more than 2 seconds in Rk compensation interface, and the Main
creen displays “
”mark, repress to clean the Rk compensation value.
Figure 8
Rk value is
“0.00Ω” after cleaning.
Step six: press
key to exit from Rk compensation interface.
Series interference voltage testing function
This measurement function detects the possible interference voltage and its frequency
Before undertaking earth resistance measurement, the function is automatically activated in every testing method. If