Master boot is ok!
Press CTRL+T to do memory poweron-self-test!
System bootstrap(Master boot) ...
Boot Version: RGOS 10.4(3b23) Release(177348)
Nor Flash ID: 0x017E1000, SIZE: 8388608Bytes
Using 1500.000 MHz high precision timer.
CLOCK-3-HW_CAL_INVALID: Hardware Calendar (RTC) Error.
MTD_DRIVER-5-MTD_NAND_FOUND: 1 NAND chips(chip size : 536870912) detected
Press Ctrl+C to enter Boot .....
Verify the image .....[ok]
Loading main program ...
Loading main program 'rgos.bin'.
Load main program successfully.
Executing program, launch at: 0x04000000
CLOCK-3-HW_CAL_INVALID: Hardware Calendar (RTC) Error.
MTD_DRIVER-5-MTD_NAND_FOUND: 1 NAND chips(chip size : 536870912) detectedCopyright (c)
1998-2014s by Ruijie Networks.
All Rights Reserved.
Neither Decompiling Nor Reverse Engineering Shall Be Allowed.
*Jan 1 00:02:29: %SYS-5-COLDSTART: System coldstart.
MTD_DRIVER-5-MTD_NAND_FOUND: 1 nand chip(s) found on the target.
*Jan 1 00:45:53:%SYS-5-WARMSTART: System warmstart.
Such information may vary with hardware configuration or software version.
Now the router is ready for configuration.
When using the router for the first time, it is recommended setting basic parameters using the configuration
4.2 Configuring Router
Before using the router, you will have to configure it as needed. For more information on router configuration, see the
related Configuration Guide and Command Reference.