RDLC320 Controller User Manual
© 2016 Ruida Technology. All Rights Reserved.
Valid Rising Edge for Pulse Signal
The driver of the step-servo motor produced by Leadshine Technology Co., Ltd.
is on the valid rising edge. Some of its products can support the mode of valid
rising/falling edge. When these products are delivered out of the factory, they are all
set at the valid rising edge; if the user changes the ex-factory setting into the valid
pulse falling edge, Section 6.3 can be referred to for the wiring method. For the
typical models such as M860 and 3MD560, Figure 6.2-1 and 6.2-2 show the wiring
scheme of RD controller and Leadshine driver.
Valid Falling Edge for Pulse Signal
The driver pulse ends of drivers for step-servo motors presently produced by most
of manufacturers are valid falling edge. The typical companies include BERGER
LAHR, Beijing HollySyn Motor Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen YAKO Automation
Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Baishan Mechatronics Co., Ltd., Beijing
Jektechnology Co., Ltd. and the like. The input signals for some motor drivers are
independent and some of common anode.
(1). The drivers with independent input signals include D921 and WD3-00X from
Figure: 6.2-1 Four Inputs, Valid Rising Edge and Common Anode Connection
Figure: 6.2-2 Four Inputs, Valid Rising Edge and Differential Connection