2. Serial Protocols
ROS® v3.11User Guide
Rem Port
Synopsis: 1 to 65535
Default: 21000
The remote TCP port to use when placing an outgoing connection.
IP Address
Synopsis: ###.###.###.### (where ### ranges from 0 to 255) |
{ <empty string> }
Default: <empty string>
Defines the IP address based on the following:
• For outgoing TCP connection (client), this is the remote IP address to communicate with.
• For incoming TCP connection (server), this is the local interface IP address to listen to
for the local port for connection request. If an empty string is configured, the IP address
of the management interface is used.
• When both outgoing and incoming connections are enabled (client or server), this is
remote IP address to use to place an outgoing TCP connection request or from which
to accept calls.
• For UDP transport, this is the IP address of the interface to listen to for UDP datagrams.
Link Stats
Synopsis: { Disabled, Enabled }
Default: Enabled
Enables links statistics collection for the protocol.
2.3.11. Mirrored Bits
Figure 2.26. Mirrored Bits Table