8000013, December 2006
MM2211 Wireless Broadband Gateway User’s Guide
Viewing System Information
when you are done.
Viewing System Information
The Information Screens provide information about the MM2211 Gateway settings.
System Information
The System Information screen is the first screen to appear once you login to the MM2211 Gateway.
shows the System Information window.
Transmit Power
Select the desired Adapter transmit power from the drop-down menu. We
recommend that you use the default power,
The options are:
Half (-3 dB)
Quarter (-6 dB)
Eighth (-9 dB)
The default is
Fragment Length
The fragment length. The range is between 256 and 2346 bytes. The
default is
The MM2211 Gateway uses fragmentation to divide 802.11 frames into
smaller fragments which are sent separately to the destination. Only
unicast frames can be fragmented. The fragment length can be between
256-2346 bytes. If the data that the MM2211 Gateway is transmitting is
larger than the threshold, it will trigger the fragmentation function. If the
packet size is equal to or less than the threshold, the gateway will not use
fragmentation. In a good wireless environment, the larger the fragment,
the more efficient the network operates. In a noisy environment, the
fragment length should be adjusted to a smaller size to minimize
retransmission and increase the reliability of the transmission.
RTS/CTS Threshold
The RTS-CTS threshold range. The range is between 256 and 2346. The
default is
The RTS-CTS threshold is a value that determines at what frame length
the request-to-send/clear-to-send (RTS-CTS) function is triggered. By
default, this threshold is set at its highest value. A lower threshold value
means that the RTS-CTS function is triggered for smaller frame lengths.
A lower threshold may be necessary in environments with excessive
signal noise or hidden nodes; but this may result in some performance
Table 12—Advanced Wireless Configuration Parameters (Continued)