Rosemount Model 3144 and 3244MV Smart Temperature Transmitters
Setting the Loop to Manual
Whenever you are preparing to send or request data that would disrupt
the loop or change the output of the transmitter, you must set your
process application loop to manual. Both the Model 275 HART
Communicator and the Rosemount Model 268 SMART FAMILY
Interface will prompt you to set the loop to manual when necessary.
Keep in mind that acknowledging this prompt does not set the loop to
manual. The prompt is only a reminder; you have to set the loop to
manual yourself, as a separate operation.
Review all of the factory-set configuration data to ensure that it reflects
the current application before operating the Model 3144 or 3244MV
transmitters in an actual installation.
Review the transmitter configuration parameters set at the factory to
ensure accuracy and compatibility with your particular application.
After activating the
function, scroll through the data list to
check each variable. Refer to “Basic Setup” on page 3-5 if a change to
the transmitter configuration data is necessary.
Before performing other transmitter on-line operations, review the
digital output parameters to ensure that the transmitter is operating
properly and is configured to the appropriate process variables.
Process Variables
The process variables for the Model 3144 and 3244MV transmitters
provide the transmitter output. The Process Variable menu displays
process variables and allows for remapping of the values shown. These
process variables are continuously updated. Select
Variable Re-map
change the sequencing of the process variables. With the Model 3144,
two screens follow that allow you to select the primary variable (PV)
and the secondary variable (SV). From each screen you can choose
sensor 1
terminal temperature
. With the Model 3244MV, four
screens follow that allow you to select the primary variable (PV),
secondary variable (SV), tertiary variable (TV), and quaternary
variable (QV). Primary variable choices include sensor 1, sensor 2,
differential temperature, average temperature, and transmitter
terminal temperature. The primary variable is the 4–20 mA analog
See Tables 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 for a list of interaction rules for varying
transmitter configurations.
HART Fast Keys
1, 5
HART Fast Keys
1, 1