Automatic Escalator Deep Cleaning Machine – Rotomac 360
Created by Rosemor International Ltd
Page 13
3.9 Setting Step Height
Move machine to the first completely
extended step
Fix machine on the right or left hand
side of the escalator
Lower machine and move forward as far
as possible on the tread of the stair
Remove the clamp on the left travelling
support (16) (see Fig. 8) and move the
travelling support in or out until the
machine is positioned horizontally with
the left travelling support (27) on the
tread of the stair; then tighten the clamp
on the left travelling support
Adjust the safety support (20) on the left
side of the machine according to the
same procedure
Place machine on the right or left hand
side of the escalator, lower and push
forward as far as possible on the tread
of the stair
Set the travelling support (16) and the
safety support (20) on the right side of
the machine according to the procedure
described above
Start the cleaning operation.
Fig. 8: Setting step height
It will be possible to start the
cleaning process only when
the running gear has been
driven to the point where the
limit switch is activated at
the lifting spindles (18)!
Incorrectly adjusted
travelling supports (16) will
mean that the operator will
have to use more force!
Make sure that the machine
is resting uniformly on the
two parallel gliders and all
four supports and that the
wheels are approximately 2
mm distant from the step!
If this is not the case, the
adjustment procedure must
be repeated!
The machine is in danger of
falling if the travelling
supports (16) and safety
supports (20) are not
adjusted properly to the step
height of the escalator to be