Peak Performance in Spatial Multiplexing Mode
User Manual 1175.6678.02 ─ 01
The polar angle of the second antenna ("Secondary Elevation)" is defined relative to
the polar angle of the first antenna ("Primary Elevation)"; see "Secondary Elevation
Loop Settings" below.
The "Secondary Elevation Loop Settings" have the following effect:
Elevation angle is inverted in sign...
means that, if the primary elevation is swept
from 15 deg to 165 deg, the secondary elevation is swept from
15 deg to
165 deg,
covering the opposite half circle around the EUT location. This selection corresponds
to the Rohde & Schwarz MIMO OTA test case specifications.
Elevation is fixed during test
means that the second measurement antenna is at a
fixed position in the chamber, either on purpose or because there is no additional
positioner available for automatic position control. The value range of the secondary
elevation is the positioning range of the positioner associated to the secondary
antenna in the hardware setup. Typically, this should be the same range as the one
of the primary antenna’s positioner, inverted in sign. An example of such a configu-
ration is a great-circle cut system (primary measurement antenna fixed and EUT
being rotated in two axes). It is extended by a second test antenna, also at a fixed
location inside the chamber.
Elevation angle is at fixed offsets...
means that a fixed angular offset between the
test antennas is maintained during the test. If several offset angles are specified, the
complete position sweep is repeated for each offset.
You can also choose to "Define test positions with a file" containing both azimuth and
elevation angles in R&S AMS32 table format. R&S AMS32 checks the loaded files for
consistency; refer to the help system for details.
Click "OK" to confirm your settings and return to the "OTA Auto Test Template" dialog.