MCT12E Operating Manual
Fig. 8 Connection to RUD-1 interface
Table 5. List of low level parameters
Communication settings
RS485 address
Parameter defines device address on RS485 bus. Range: 100-115.
Default value: 100.
RS485 communication timeout [s] Parameter defines delay after which device will signal lost
communication with controller. When set to 0 then signaling is
disabled. Range: 0-64s. Default value: 20s.
General settings
Card reading disabled
Parameter enables blocking of card reading in selected technology.
The parameter is dedicated to terminals which support more than one
card reading technology.
Parameter enables selection of reader input which will be used for
synchronisation of magnetic field with another reader in vicinity to
prevent interferences between both readers. Selected input must be
connected to synchronisation output of another reader. When set to 0
then synchronisation is disabled. Typical numbering is 1 = IN1, 2 = IN2
and 3 = IN3. Range: 0-3. Default value: 0.
Parameter enables selection of reader output which will be used for
synchronisation of magnetic field with another reader in vicinity to
prevent interferences between both readers. Selected output must be
connected to synchronisation input of another reader. When set to 0
then synchronisation is disabled. Typical numbering is 1 = REL1, 2 =
OUT1 and 3 = OUT2. Range: 0-3. Default value: 0.
Single key press
Parameter enables separate transmission of each pressed key to
controller. Range: [0]: No, [1]: Yes. Default value: [1]: Yes.
Min. length of PIN
Parameter defines the minimal number of digits for PIN entered with
keypad. If the number of entered digits is lower than this parameter
then it cannot be sent to controller when concluded with [#] key. When
set to 0 then PINs are disabled. Range: 4-8. Default value: 4.