Disassembly - Damper Shaft and Eyelet
D i s a s s e m b l y - D a m p e r S h a f t a n d E y e l e t
Follow the disassembly steps
Damper and IFP Service
section of
2023 Super Deluxe Coil (B1) Service Manual
, through bottom out
bumper removal.
If replacing the damper shaft/eyelet assembly, remove the rebound
adjuster, discard the original damper shaft, and continue with a new
damper shaft.
The rebound adjuster must be fully threaded into the eyelet to free the
rebound needle for removal.
Rotate the rebound adjuster clockwise until it stops, then rotate it
counter-clockwise to unthread and remove it from the eyelet.
Cover the adjuster shaft when it is unthreaded to capture the detent
ball and detent spring.
Use a 90 degree pick to push the rebound needle up and out of
damper shaft. The rebound needle should protrude from the threaded
end of the damper shaft.
Remove the rebound needle from the damper shaft.
Clean the rebound needle and the (A) o-rings.
Pick (90 degree)