Install Deluxe Rebound Rod Sizing Pin
I n s t a l l D e l u x e R e b o u n d R o d S i z i n g P i n
The rebound rod sizing pin must be installed into the eyelet, before
reassembly, to ensure the rebound rod / rebound poker inside the
damper shaft is pressed to the correct position when the damper shaft
assembly and piston assembly are tightened to the specified torque.
The sizing pin replaces the adjuster assembly in the eyelet during
assembly and torque procedures. When the sizing pin is removed,
and the adjuster is reinstalled, the damper shaft assemblies are set to
the correct position in the eyelet, which ensures the range of rebound
adjustment is accurate after assembly.
Insert the Deluxe rebound rod sizing pin into the adjuster assembly slot
in the eyelet. Push it in until it stops.
Deluxe Rebound Rod Sizing Pin
50.8 mm x 12.2 mm
Deluxe Rebound Rod Sizing Pin
Deluxe Rebound Rod Sizing Pin
Deluxe Rebound Rod Sizing Pin
Deluxe Rebound Rod Sizing Pin