When you select a feature point to offset and a green checkmark is shown, this means that moves will be executed according to the
offset value of the Apply Contact Offset node.
Create your robot program with children nodes inserted under the Apply Contact Offset node.
Reduce cycle time by inserting a Find Contact Offset node in the " Before_Start" section of the robot program, or as a sub-
program. This strategy will reduce the frequency at which nodes are run in the course of your robot program.
4.2.3. Finishing Tool Control node
When running a program that uses a Robotiq end-effector, you can send a command to either start or stop this tool. The Finishing Tool
Control node offers two commands: Start tooland Stop tool.
Select Start tool to turn on your tool when it comes into contact with the surface. Select Stop tool to turn off your tool, after it is no
longer in contact with the surface.