How It Works
A one-time setup is required before operating the Robomow; a small wire, called the
, is place around the edge of the lawn and any other areas where you do not want the mower to
Small pegs
are supplied with the Robomow and they are used to fasten and hold the perimeter wire
to the ground, below grass level; the wire will soon disappear under the growth of new grass and will
not visible.
Base Station
is placed along the perimeter wire and it has two main functions:
To generate a small signal along the perimeter wire (very low voltage);
To charge the Robomow batteries.
After completing the one-time set-up of wire around the lawn including the Base Station, set the
weekly program
and forget about mowing for the entire season!
Robomow will leave the Base Station on the day and time scheduled in the automatic weekly
program; it will mow the lawn and will drive back for charging in the Base Station to be ready for the
next operation.
When Robomow leaves the Base Station it automatically starts the
carried through the Base
Station; the signal creates a
virtual wall
, which is visible only to the Robomow, keeping the
Robomow inside the lawn preventing it to cross over area where you do not want it to enter.
Tree with hole or flowers around;
require placing a wire around it
Base Station generates
a signal along the wire
and it used to charge
Robomow batteries
Perimeter Wire as
a virtual wall,
visible only to
Robomow detects
the signal and
changes direction as
it reaches the wire
Trees large enough
to allow Robomow to
bump into; do not
require a perimeter
wire around it