Laying Out The Perimeter Wire
Start setting the perimeter wire by placing pegs every few meters and at the lawn corners according
to your plan; do not forget obstacles that need to be demarcated while laying the wire.
After removing enough wire within a given section, use the RoboRuler provided to set the correct
distance from the lawn edge. The RoboRuler is used to help position the perimeter wire along walls,
fences, sidewalk, driveways, flowerbeds and other perimeter zones.
There are two basic measurements that are used on the RoboRuler (Figure 1.14).
The shorter distance
is used along perimeter edges where the area outside the immediate
perimeter is free of obstacles and is the same relative height as the perimeter edge or lower
(sidewalk on the same level or flowerbeds).
The longer distance
is used along perimeter edges where the area outside the immediate
perimeter has obstacles or differences in the height along the perimeter edge (walls and fences).
Figure 1.14 –
Using the RoboRuler
Figure 1.13 –
Direction of Perimeter Wire
layout from the Base Station
Leave 30cm (12 inches) at
the starting point, where the
Base Station is located
The Fence should be
inside lawn
Direction of wire layout
from the Base Station
Perimeter Wire –
do not remove the
plastic covering
Short distance of
RoboRuler - where the
area outside the
immediate perimeter is
free of obstacles and is the
same relative height as the
perimeter edge or lower
Long distance of
RoboRuler – where the
area outside the
immediate perimeter has
obstacles or differences in
the height along the
perimeter edge