34cm / 14inch
Long distance
of RoboRuler
100 cm
0-15 cm
This area should be
left out of the
working area
as the perimeter wire
cannot be laid in slope
greater than 15%
(15cm height per
distance of 1m)
Robomow can mow
areas inside the
working area with
slope up to 33 cm
per distance of
1 meter (33%)
1.3 Location of the Base Station
There are two options to set the Base Station:
1.3.1 Internal (inside the lawn)
Choose a place where you want to setup the Base Station in your lawn, based on the
inputs given in paragraph 2.1.
Place the Base Station concomitantly to the lawn edge on the lawn where the fence faces
towards the inner side of the lawn (Figure 1.13).
1.3.2 External (outside the lawn)
Choose a place outside the lawn where you want Robomow to be docked and charged.
Confirm the pass between the lawn and the outside area is smooth with no height
difference, so Robomow will not get stuck and will follow the wire smoothly.
The surface between the lawn and the Base Station should be hard (such as a sidewalk or
rigid ground) and not sandy or stoney, so Robomow will not slip or get stuck on it.
The area between the lawn and the Base Station should be clear of obstacles and objects.
Figure 1.10 –
External Base Station Setup
Smooth pass between the lawn
and the area around with no
height difference
Hard surface clean from
obstacles so Robomow can
drive on without slipping