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Referee System Overview
The Referee System is a fully autonomous electronic penalty system that can detect projectile attack damage and monitor chassis
movement power as well as other robot parameters. The Speed Measurement Module monitors a robot's projectile launching speed
and rate; the Camera Transmission Module provides the user with a first-person perspective of the robot; the RFID Interaction Module
interacts with the battlefield; and the Localization Module provides a user with a real time high-precision mini-map. A user can use
multiple Referee Systems to form a multi-robot combat system.
The Referee System is composed of the following:
1. The robot side of the Referee System (hereinafter referred to as "Robot Side")
2. The PC client (hereinafter referred to as "Client") and the PC server (hereinafter referred to as "Server")
The Robot Side is composed of the following modules:
1. Main Control Module: the "brain" of the Robot Side. Automatically calculates damage according to data passed back from other
modules. In addition, this module's light bar displays the status and HP of the Robot Side in real-time. The Small Armor Module
can be mounted onto the rear of the Main Control Module by using Armor Mount A (left) and Armor Mount A (right).
Main Control Module
Small Armor Module
Large Armor Module
Armor Mount B
Armor Mount A (left)
Armor Mount A (right)
2. Armor Modules: the "skin" of the Robot Side. They include the Small Armor Module and the Large Armor Module. The Armor
Modules can be mounted onto a robot by using Armor Mount B. The Armor Modules can detect external attacks, including at
tacks from 17mm projectiles and 42mm projectiles.