Min Fan Speed:
This is the minimum fan speed that your fan can run at.
Max Fan Speed:
This is the maximum fan speed that your fan can run at. Set this to 100%.
Bridging Fan Speed:
Fan speed to use during bridging. Default= 100%.
Disable Fan For The First:
The number of layers for which the fan will be forced to remain off. This helps with bed
adhesion. Only do this for the first couple of layers.
Slow Down If Layer Print Time Is Below:
If a layer is estimated to take less than this time to print, the movement speed will be
reduced to try and make the layer take this long to print.
Min Print Speed:
This is the minimum speed that the printer will slow in order to make the layer take long
enough to satisfy the min layer time.
Bed Size:
The size of the print bed in millimeters.
Print Center:
The position of the center of the print bed, measured from the origin (X:0, Y:0). Typically
half of the dimensions for print bed size.
Build Height:
Max height in millimeters that a printed object can be. If set to 0 the parts height will not
be validated. This limits the height so that there is no risk of mechanical damage to the
Bed Shape:
The geometric shape of the physical print bed.
Has Fan