Use the settings within this box to define the speed at which your printer will print each
of the listed print moves. Default=60mm/s with outside perimeters at 50mm/s.
Speed for Non-Print Moves:
Speed to move when not extruding material. This can typically be much faster than
normal. Range =90-150mm/s
Skirt and Brim
The skirt is a trace around the first layer of your print. It helps to give you a first glance
on how much area your print requires and also primes the plastic before the actual
part starts so that the first layer is printed flawlessly.
The number of the loops from all the parts on the bed.
Distance from Object:
The distance of skirt loops away from the part to draw around all the parts on the bed
Minimum Extrusion Length:
Forces the minimum amount of filament to use drawing the skirt loops. This will cause at
least enough skirt loops to be drawn to use this amount of filament. Ensures that
filament extrudes well before the print starts.
Support Material
Generate Support:
Turns on and off the generation of support material in the gcode. Support Material is
needed when you have irregular overhangs that can’t build up themselves without help.
This material is not part of your print and is meant to be broken away after the print
Support Type:
The type of support to create for surfaces that need it. “Lines” are the easiest to break
Overhang Threshold:
The steepest angle at which support material will be generated. Large number will result
more support.
Pattern Spacing:
The number of milimeters between the lines of the support material or how thick of
support to print. Smaller values in this field mean more material. Thicker support is
tougher to break away post print.
Infill Angle:
The angle the support infill will be drawn at. Default = 40 degrees.
Interface Layers:
The number of layer to skip in Z. This is the gap between the support and the model.