Troubleshooting/ General Info
In this section we will go over a few things that are inherent in 3D printing. 3D printing in its nature takes
a bit of patience and a lot of learning- especially if you have never done it before. The topics discussed
below are things that should be taken into consideration when you are designing and printing parts.
Correct extrusion and build plate temperatures are both crucial factors in getting a print that
you will be happy with. You can set these in your Slice settings. Here is a guide which explains
the temperatures that we recommend for printing.
ABS Filament:
Extruder- 235c
Heated Bed- 75c (with adhesion material) up to 95c
PLA Filament
Heated Bed- 55c (with adhesion material) up to 75c.
If you have any other type of filament to use on your R1 3D printer, make sure to consult the
manufacturer’s instructions for extrusion and adhesion temperatures.
The 3 types of recommended adhesion aides for the R1 (Vinyl, Hairspray and Glue stick) all have
different attributes to them.
Vinyl Sheet
: Pros- easy to apply, looks clean, easily replaced
Cons- much less durable than other types, only lasts for a couple of prints
Glue Stick
: Pros- Cheapest alternative, creates a strong bond with bottom of part
Cons- requires high bed temps, must be reapplied often, messy
Hair Spray
: Pros- Very clean look, almost invisible, strong bonds, very little needed
Cons- Most expensive option, hard to find
Heat is also very important in adhesion, make sure to follow the guidelines above for heat
settings in addition to these adhesion recommendations
If there is a lack of adhesion, it is very probable that your part will show warping or might
completely come off of your build plate.