- The number of the hours that the RECESSED WASH 150 has been powered On
since the counter was last reset.Press [ ] or [ ] to return to the menu.In order
to reset this counter to 0, you have to hold the [ ] and [ ]-button and press the [
Lamp On time
- This option enables you to read the total number of the operation hours with the lamp
on since the RECESSED WASH 150 has been fabricated.Press [ ] or [ ] to return
to the menu.
- The number of hours that the lamp has been powered On since the counter was last
reset.Press [ ] or [ ] to return to the menu. In order to reset this counter to 0,
you have to hold the [ ] and [ ]-button and press the [ ]-button.
Lamp strikes
- By this option you can read the total number of the lamp strikes since the
RECESSED WASH 150 has been fabricated.Press [ ] or [ ] to return to the menu.
-The number of the lamp strikes since the counter was last reset.Press [ ]
or [ ] to return to the menu. In order to reset the counter to 0, you have to hold
the [ ] and [ ]-button and press the [ ]-button.
- DMX values
Readout DMX values of each channel received by the fixture. Use the [ ] and [ ] buttons to select desired
channel and press [ ] to read its value coming to the fixture or [ ] to cancel and return to the menu.
- Software version
By this function you can read the software version of the display module. Press [ ] to read its value or [ ]
to return to the menu.
9.4 Personality options
These options allow you to modify RECESSED WASH 150 operating behavior.
Press [ ] and [ ]buttons to select the desired option and press [ ] to set the value or to see next submenu.