8. Stand - alone mode
The fixtures on a data link are not connected to the controller but can execute pre-set programs which can be
different for every fixture.To set the program to be played,see the "Stand-alone setting" ( menu "St.AL.").
"Stand-alone operation" can be applied to the single fixture (the fixture may be set to the master /slave mode or
controller mode ) or to multiple fixtures operating synchronously.
Synchronous operation of multiple fixtures requires that they must be connected on a data link and one of them
is set as a master (master mode) and the rest as the slaves (slave mode).The slaves are assigned to SLA1-
SLA9 and on the certain slave address can be connected only one fixture.To set the fixture as the master or
slave , see the "Addressing" (menu "A001").
If the master fixture runs a reset or plays test(program) ,all slaves will execute these acts too.
You can't play or edit any programs on the slaves by their control panels if the master is switched on and
connected to the master/slave chain.
The master fixture starts simultaneous program start in the other slave fixtures.All fixtures have a definite,
synchronized starting point when playing back their programs.The number of running program is the same in all
slaves and depends on the master's choice (menu "St.AL." ).Every fixture runs its program repeatedly ,starting
the program step No.1 when requested by the master .
For example:
If the slave fixture has a shorter program length, it will continously repeat its program until the master fixture
finishes its own program and restarts its program running (slave 1- prog.step 3 will not be finished).
If the slave fixture has a longer program length, it will restart at prog. step 1 before it completes all its
(slave 2 - prog.step 5 will not be played)- see the picture bellow.
Note:Disconect the fixtures from the DMX controller before master/slave operating ,otherwise data collisions can
occur and the fixtures will not work properly!
It’s necessary to insert the XLR termination plug (with 120 Ohm) into the input of the master fixture and into the
output of the last slave fixture in the data link in order to ensure proper transmission on the data link.
From the master's control panel is possible to control any slave in a master/slave chain.
Starting point