Note:Disconect the fixtures from the DMX controller before master/slave operating ,otherwise data collisions can
occur and the fixtures will not work properly!
If the fixture is set as the master and DMX signal is connected to its input,the error massage "MAEr" will appear
on its display and the fixture's address will be set to its DMX address in order to respond to DMX signal from the
For example:
The master fixture has this address setting:"dM.Ad."-menu.........A009
"MA.SL."-menu........MASt (is displayed)
The DMX signal is connected to the master fixture.The message "MAst" starts fast flashing and after 20s error
massage "MA.Er" appears on its display and the fixture automatically will be switched to its DMX address
(master address is disabled).
Now the fixture has the address setting: "dM.Ad."-menu.........A009 ("A009"/" MA.Er"blinks )
If the fixture is set as the slave and DMX signal is connected to its input,the fixture will respond to DMX signal
from the controller (in dependence on the fixture's DMX address).
9.2 Slave control
This function allows you to control the slaves from the master's control panel in a master/slave operation.
Select this function from the main menu and press [ ]-button.Browse the list of all connected slaves ("SL.C.1"
- "SL.C.9") by pressing [ ] and [ ] bottons.Select the desired slave and press [ ]-button.The slave's control
panel is available from the master's control panel.
If no slave is connected to the master,massages "SL.C.1","SL.C.2","SL.C3"..."SL.C.9" still round repeat.
Note:This function is available from the master fixture only.
9.3 Fixture informations
The menu allows you to read an useful information about the fixture as the lamp life,lamp strikes,software
version, etc.
Press [ ] or [ ] buttons to select the desired option and press [ ] to see the value or next submenu.
Power On time
-By this option you can read the total number of the operation hours since the
RECESSED WASH 150 has been fabricated. Press [ ] or [ ] to return to the menu.