Building and Operating Instructions - Air Trainer 140 ARF
No. 2581
- Keep the model flying straight and level at first; don’t initi-
ate a turn while it is still close to the ground.
- Adjust the control surface trims if necessary, so that the
model flies straight with a reasonable rate of climb “hands
- Check the model‘s response to control commands. You
may need to increase or reduce the travels after the lan-
ding to suit your personal preference.
- Check the aeroplane’s stalling speed at a safe height.
- Keep the model’s speed well above the stall for the landing
- If you needed to adjust the trims during the test-flight, cor-
rect the length of the appropriate pushrod once the model
is back on the ground, then return the transmitter trims to
centre so that full trim travel is available to both sides of
neutral for subsequent flights.
super-soft start, measured from the initial stick movement
to „full-throttle“. If throttle is reduced to zero (throttle stick
„fully back“), and is moved again within three seconds
of the initial stick movement (throttle stick to full-throttle
position) the repeated throttle opening is temporarily car-
ried out in Normal mode in order to avoid a crash caused
by too slow a response to throttle.
This special function is particularly important in aeroba-
tics, where fast throttle response is required.
6. Timing: Low / Medium / High ( 3.75° / 15° / 26.25°)
In general terms the low setting is a good choice for most
electric motors. Higher timing can be selected for increa-
sed motor speed.
The speed controller in use
Since the throttle travel is not the same for all
radio control systems, it is necessary to calibrate the throttle
travel before flying the model.
Adjusting throttle travel: (the throttle travel should be re-
adjusted if you change the radio control system)
A) Switch the transmitter on, and move the throttle stick to
B) Connect the battery to the speed controller and wait about
two seconds.
C) You should hear a ”beep-beep” sound; this confirms the full-
throttle setting.
D) Move the throttle stick to the „fully back“ (Idle) position; you
should hear several “beeps” which indicate the number of
cells in the battery.
E) You should hear a long “beep” to confirm the Idle end-point
of the throttle stick.
Normal procedure prior to flying:
A) Move throttle stick to „fully back“, switch transmitter on.
B) Connect battery to speed controller; the special “♪123”
sound indicates power supply OK.
C) You should hear several “beeps” to indicate the cell-count of
the Lithium battery.
D) You will hear a long „beep----“ after the self-test.
E) Move the throttle stick forward to start the motor.
Description - ECO Line 40A speed controller
1. Low voltage protection / Overheating protection /
Transmitter signal monitor.
2. 3 Start-up modes: Normal / Soft / Super-soft, compatible
with fixed-wing model aircraft and helicopters.
3. Throttle travel can be adjusted to suit any radio control
4. Smooth, linear, accurate throttle response.
5. Maximum motor speed: 210,000 rpm (2-pole motor),
70,000 rpm (6-pole motor), 35,000 rpm (12-pole motor).
Specification - ECO Line 40A speed controller:
Continuous current:
40 A
Maximum current:
55 A (max. 10 sec.)
BEC mode:
BEC power:
5 V / 3 A
BEC capacity:
2S LiPo:
5 servos
3S LiPo:
4 servos
Cell-count, LiPo:
2S - 3S
5 - 9
Dimensions (L x W x H): 68 x 25 x 8 mm
35 g
Programmable settings:
1. Brake: Active / Disabled
2. Battery type: LiPo / NiMH
3. Low voltage protection (cut-off mode):
Soft cut-off (incremental power reduction) /
Cut-off (immediate motor stop)
4. Low voltage cut-off voltage:
Low / Medium / High
1) In the case of Lithium batteries the cell count is cal-
culated automatically. Low / Medium / High cut-off voltage
for each cell is: 2.85 V / 3.15 V / 3.3V.
2) In the case of NiMH batteries Low / Medium / High
cut-off voltage is: 0% / 50% / 65% of initial voltage (e.g.
nominal battery voltage); 0% means low-voltage protection
is disabled.
5. Start mode: Normal / Soft / Super-Soft (300ms / 1.5s / 3s)
Normal mode is suitable for any type of model aircraft.
Soft or super-soft mode is suitable for model helicopters.
The initial motor start in Soft and Super-Soft mode is slo-
wer: it takes 1.5 seconds for soft-start, and 3 seconds for