In the main menu INFO you can retrieve the most important
Su 12.01.2020
Flame temperature [°C]
Current firebox temperature
Room temperature [°C]
ACTUAL temperature in the room
only with RIKA roomsensor
Baking temp. [°C]
Current baking temp�
Pressure switch
Sufficient low pressure in the firebox to ensure operation (ON),
or insufficient (OFF)
Grid contact
Grid in heating position (ON) or other position (OFF)
Pressure sensor
Differential pressure in the air supply (DAR system - Dynamic Air
Regulation system)
Ext. Request
External request enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF)
Discharge motor [‰]
Actual speed (0 - 1000)
Discharge motor current
Actual current consumption (0 - 120)
Flue gas fan [1/s]
Actual speed (0 - 2500)
Insertion motor [‰]
Actual speed (0 - 1000)
Insertion motor current
Actual current consumption (0 - 120)
Air flaps [‰]
Current position (0 - 1000)
Grid motor
Actuated (ON) or in rest (OFF)
Multi Air fan
Actuated (ON) or in rest (OFF)
Multi Air fan 2
Actuated (ON) or in rest (OFF)
Ignition element
Actuated (ON) or in rest (OFF)
Bake light
Actuated (ON) or in rest (OFF)
Operat. hours pellets
Total operating hours in pellet mode (0 - 99999)
Feed rate total [kg]
Total pellet feed volume (0 - 99999)
Kg till cleaning
Remaining pellets feed volume until next cleaning (1500 - 0)
Operat. h. split logs
Total operating hours in split log mode (0 - 99999)
Ignition counter
Total ignitions (0 - 99999)
ON/OFF cycles
Number of power failures
Main State
Main operating regulation state
Sub State
Secondary operating regulation state
Stove type
Name of appliance
Software stove
Software version stove control
Software display
Software version touch display
GFX version
Graphics version touch display
On the first screen page the precise information of the software
version with the revision number is diplayed�
Disconnect the main plug for a short time� When the display shows
the RIKA Logo on orange screen, there is the name of your stove
in the left corner� Touch the stove name, and the software version
actually installed will be displayed�