2. To Set up searches
Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Edge" or "Pulse". Click or tap
the Source drop-down button to select the source.
- Edge Searches: After setting the search type to "Edge", you can select the slope
type. For details, please refer to
. You can click or tap the
Threshold input filed to set the threshold with the pop-up numeric keypad or
use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
- Pulse Width Searches: After setting the search type to "Pulse", you can set the
trigger condition. For details, please refer to
. You can click
or tap the Threshold input filed to set the threshold with the pop-up numeric
keypad or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
3. To copy search setups
- Copy to Trigger
Click or tap To Trigger to copy the setup for the selected search type to the
same trigger type. For example, if the current search type is "Edge", clicking or
tapping To Trigger copies the search settings to the "
- Copy from Trigger
Click or tap From Trigger to copy the trigger setup for the selected search type
to the search setup. For example, if the current trigger type is "
clicking or tapping From Trigger copies the trigger settings to the "Edge"
search setup.
To use the "Copy from Trigger" function, please first set the search type and then copy
the specified trigger setup in the Trigger menu.
4. Marktable On/Off
Click or tap the MarkTable on /off switch to turn on or off the marktable display.
When "ON" is selected, a table is displayed in the interface as shown in the figure
below. The table lists all events of the current waveform in the Waveform View.
Zooming or adjusting the waveform causes the events in the table to change. You
can perform the following operations on the table:
- When acquisitions are stopped (STOP mode), click or tap any row of the table to
select the specified event. The inverted triangle mark of the selected event turns
red like
- Click or tap
at the upper-right side of the table to open the search menu.
Search and Navigation
DHO1000 User Guide
Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.