Set the output event and Aux output
Click or tap the Aux Output on/off switch to enable or disable the Aux output.
When enabled, in the Utility menu, the sub-menu AUX Out is automatically set
to "PassFail". When a successful or failed event is detected, a pulse will be output
from the rear-panel [AUX OUT] connector. If disabled, the sub-menu AUX Out in
the Utility menu is automatically set to "TrigOut", and the output of the [AUX
OUT] connector is irrelevant with the pass/fail test.
Select "Pass" or "Fail" in Output Event. When a "pass" or "fail" event is detected,
a pulse will be output from the rear-panel [AUX OUT] connector.
Set the output polarity and output pulse width
Select "Positive" or "Negative" in Polarity, then click or tap the input field of Pulse to
set the pulse width with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 100 ns to 10 ms.
By default, it is 1 μs.
Set the error action
In Err Action, select one operation that the oscilloscope will execute once a pass/fail
test is detected.
Stop: stop sampling when a failed event is found.
Beeper: the beeper sounds an alarm when a failed event is found (irrelevant with
the on/off status of the beeper).
Screenshot: perform the screenshot operation when a failed event is found. If an
external storage device is detected, the screenshot will be saved to the external
storage device directly. Otherwise, it will be saved to the local disk.
If "Screenshot" is selected, "Stop" action will be executed forcibly. The sampling
stops automatically. After the screenshot operation is completed, the sampling
will continue.
To Start or Stop the Pass/Fail Test Operation
After the Pass/Fail test function is enabled, click or tap the Operate button
to start the test operation or
to stop the operation.
During the test process, the oscilloscope will test the waveforms, display the test
information, and output the test information based on the current settings. The
"Pass/Fail" result will be displayed in the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen,
as shown in the figure below.
Pass/Fail Test
DHO1000 User Guide
Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.