MissedAck: triggers when ACK is 1.
Address: the trigger searches for the specified address value. When this event
occurs, the oscilloscope will trigger on the read/write bit. After this trigger
condition is selected:
Click or tap the drop-down button of Direction to select "Write", "Read", or
This setting is not available when AddrBits is set to "8 Bits".
Click or tap the drop-down button of AddrBits to select the desired
address bits. The available address bits are "7 Bits", "8 Bits", and "10 Bits".
Click or tap the input field of Address, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the address of I2C trigger. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.
Data: the trigger searches for the specified data value on the data line (SDA).
When this event occurs, the oscilloscope will trigger on the clock line (SCL)
transition edge of the last bit of data After this trigger condition is selected, you
can set the following parameters.
Click or tap the drop-down button of AddrBits to select the desired
address bits. The available address bits are "7 Bits", "8 Bits", and "10 Bits".
Click or tap the input field of Bytes, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the length of the data. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 1 to 5.
Click or tap the input field of Data, and then the "Format" interface is will
displayed. You can select "Bin" or "Hex" data format.
Figure 8.28 Binary Format Setting
Triggering the Oscilloscope
DHO1000 User Guide
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