Click or tap the AX BX on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the horizontal
position of Cursor A and Cursor B (X cursors) simultaneously. The horizontal
spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B (X cursors) remains unchanged.
When "Y" is selected, you can adjust the position of Y cursor.
Click or tap the input field of AY, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad
to set the vertical position of Cursor A (Y cursors).
Click or tap the input field of BY and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the vertical position of Cursor B (Y cursor).
Click or tap the AY BY on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the vertical
position of Cursor A and Cursor B (Y cursors) simultaneously. The vertical
spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B (Y cursors) remains unchanged.
You can also use the front-panel multipurpose knob
to adjust the cursor
position. To configure the multipurpose knobs, please refer to
Measurement Example
Set the AX Source to CH1, BX Source to CH2, and Track to "X".
When the AX cursor position is adjusted, AY cursor will automatically track the
intersection point between AX cursor and source signal (CH1); When the BX cursor
position is adjusted, BY cursor will automatically track the intersection point between
BX cursor and source signal (CH2). The measurement results are displayed in the
"Result" bar, as shown in
. Then, expand the waveforms horizontally, and
you will find that the cursor will track the point that has been marked, as shown in
Figure 10.12 Track Measurement (before Horizontal Expansion)
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DHO1000 User Guide