Trigger Condition
Click or tap the drop-down button of When to select the desired trigger condition.
Sync: triggers on the last bit of the sync field.
ID: triggers when the frames with the specified ID are found.
Click or tap the input field of ID, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
ID. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
Data: triggers when the data that meet the preset conditions are found.
Click or tap the input field of Data, and then the "Format" interface is
displayed. You can set the data bit that needs to be operated on. For
details, refer to descriptions in
Click or tap the input field of Bytes, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the length of the data. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 1 to 8.
Data&ID: triggers when the frames with the specified ID and data that meet the
preset conditions are both found.
When Data&ID is selected, you need to set the Data, Bytes, and ID.
Sleep: triggers when the sleep frame is found.
Wakeup: triggers when the wakeup frame is found.
Error: triggers on the specified type of error frame. Click or tap the drop-down
button of Error Type to select the error type: Sync, Even Odd, or Check Sum.
Trigger Mode
In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in
Trigger Parameter Setting
You can refer to
to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.
Trigger Level
Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in
. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.
Triggering the Oscilloscope
DHO1000 User Guide
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