Figure 10.11 Track Mode Setting Menu
Select the Measurement Source
Click or tap the drop-down button of AX Source to select the desired channel
(None, CH1~CH4, or Math1~Math4).
Click or tap the drop-down button of BX Source to select the desired channel
(None, CH1~CH4, or Math1~Math4).
When a specified channel is selected as the source, it will be automatically turned on.
Select the Track Mode
Click or tap the Track toggle button to select "X" or "Y" as the current track axis. By
default, it is "X".
X: When the X cursor position is adjusted, Y cursor will automatically track the
intersection point between X cursor and source signal
Y: When the Y cursor position is adjusted, X cursor will automatically track the
intersection point between Y cursor and source signal.
Adjust Cursor Position
When "X" is selected, you can adjust the position of X cursor.
Click or tap the input field of AX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the horizontal position of Cursor A (X cursor). Its adjustable range is limited
within the screen.
Click or tap the input field of BX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the horizontal position of Cursor B (X cursors). Its adjustable range is
limited within the screen.
DHO1000 User Guide
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