Depending on the type of application, some of the functions described in this manual might not be available.
The REC10 remote control unit functions as a machine interface,
since it displays the system's settings and allows the parameters to
be accessed.
It is also capable of providing multi-zone control and weekly room
thermostat functionality.
While the system may be equipped with multiple REC10 units,
ONLY ONE serves as the machine's interface (MASTER). The other
REC10 units serve as a chronothermostat for regulating the ambient
temperatures of the zones with which they are associated; In this
latter case, the main screen of the REC10 shows the environmental
data of the zone to which it is related.
The REC10 unit features a backlit liquid crystal display.
CANCEL button
DOWN key
UP key
On the left and right sides are displayed the icons indicating the status of the system, their meaning is the following:
This icon indicates that the OFF operating status mode has been set. Each ignition request is ignored except for the anti-freeze function. The pump
anti-lock, 3-way valve and anti-freeze function remain active.
This icon indicates that WINTER mode has been selected (HEATING function enabled). If a heating request from the main zone is in progress, the
icon will be flashing.
This icon indicates that the circuit for domestic hot water production is enabled. When a domestic hot water request is in progress, the icon flashes.
The P at the top of the domestic hot water icon indicates that the boiler pre-heating function is enabled; the P when flashing indicates that a pre-
heating request is in progress.
When the "central heating programming timing" function is enabled this icon indicates that the system heating (main zone) is in AUTOMATIC mode
(the management of the heating requests follows what has been set with the timer).
If the heating function is not enabled during the current time frame, the icon will be crossed out.
When the "central heating programming timing" function is enabled this icon indicates that the system heating (main zone) is in MANUAL mode (the
management of the heating requests does not follow what has been set with the programming timing, but it is always active).
This icon indicates that the system (main zone) has been set to off (not active).
This icon indicates that the system is detecting the presence of a flame.
This icon indicates the presence of an anomaly, and is always flashing.
The temperature of the hot water probe is shown at the centre of the main screen. The value's meaning is indicated at the bottom of the display. When-
ever a heating request is in progress, the value displayed at the centre of the screen refers to the system's fl ow sensor, with the relative indication. The
value expressed in bar refers to the system's water pressure. The top of the screen shows the current date and time, as well as the outdoor temperature,
if available.
The display of the REC10 control panel is equipped with the new “Color Bar” that rapidly informs the user about the boiler operation.
The operating states and the alarms are grouped by 4 colours:
- GREEN: normal operation, the system is serving domestic hot water/heating requests or else automatic functions like, for example, anti-legionella, anti-
freeze, fl ue cleaning, etc.. Scrolling text describes the function active in that moment
- YELLOW: presence of faults that could be resolved by the user that allow the product to operate even partially. An error triangle on the display gives ac-
cess to details about the fault like, for example, “call for service”, domestic hot water probe fault, etc...
- RED: presence of lockout faults that require the intervention of the Technical Assistance Centre. An error triangle on the display gives access to details
about the fault like, for example, “stop for service”, lockout, etc...
- GREY: system is ready to meet any requests or functions, no fault detected.
If several conditions are present at the same time, the signal on the main screen corresponds to the highest priority, in the following ascending order: Grey,
Green, Yellow and Red.
Boiler control panel
Keys area
ENTER = confirm
BACK= Return to the previous page / cancel selection
Return to the main screen (press > 2 sec.)
+ =
Allows you to choose between the options: SYSTEM, STATUS, SET, INFO, MENU and to navigate
through the sub-menus scrolling upwards
- =
Allows you to choose between the options: SYSTEM, STATUS, SET, INFO, MENU and to navigate
through the sub-menus scrolling downwards