480302 to 48032B(H) - Night timer period (User function 72)
480302 to 480304(H) - Setting #1 for Monday
480305 to 480307(H) - Setting #2 for Monday
480308 to 48030A(H) - Setting #1 for Tuesday
48030B to 48030D(H) - Setting #2 for Tuesday
48030E to 480310(H) - Setting #1 for Wednesday
480311 to 480313(H) - Setting #2 for Wednesday
480314 to 480316(H) - Setting #1 for Thursday
480317 to 480319(H) - Setting #2 for Thursday
48031A to 48031C(H) - Setting #1 for Friday
48031D to 48031F(H) - Setting #2 for Friday
480320 to 480322(H) - Setting #1 for Saturday
480323 to 480325(H) - Setting #2 for Saturday
480326 to 480328(H) - Setting #1 for Sunday
480329 to 48032B(H) - Setting #2 for Sunday
Program format
First byte - Hour (BCD)
Second byte - Minute (BCD)
Third byte - 00(H): Timer start time, 01(H): Timer end time
480356(H) - Time for economy transmission (hour in 24h clock format - BCD)
480357(H) - Time for economy transmission (minute - BCD)
480358 to 48035C(H) - Last RDS operation (Read only)
480358(H) - 01(H): 24-hour clock, 00(H): 12-hour clock (AM), 02(H): 12-hour clock (PM)
480359(H) - Year (BCD)
48035A(H) - Month (BCD)
48035B(H) - Day (BCD)
48035C(H) - Hour
48035D(H) - Minute
48035E(H) - Second
48035F(H) - 00: Monday, 01: Tuesday, 02: Wednesday, ....... , 06: Sunday
480364 to 48036B(H) - Last Fax On Demand report printout (Read only)
480364(H) - 01(H): 24-hour clock, 00(H): 12-hour clock (AM), 02(H): 12-hour clock (PM)
480365(H) - Year (BCD)
480366(H) - Month (BCD)
480367(H) - Day (BCD)
480368(H) - Hour
480369(H) - Minute
48036A(H) - Second
48036B(H) - 00: Monday, 01: Tuesday, 02: Wednesday, ....... , 06: Sunday
48036E to 48036F(H) - Length (mm) of the non-scanning area from the leading edge for par-
tial image scanning
48036E(H) - Low byte (BCD)
48036F(H) - High byte (BCD)
In the US, the user input value is in inch format. The machine converts this into mm format
and stores the converted value here.
480370 to 480371(H) - Length (mm) of the scanning area for partial image scanning
480370(H) - Low byte (BCD)
480371(H) - High byte (BCD)
December 21st, 1995