480020 to 48003F(H) - System bit switches
480040 to 48004F(H) - Scanner bit switches
480050 to 48005F(H) - Printer bit switches
480060 to 48007F(H) - Communication bit switches
480080 to 48008F(H) - G3 bit switches
4800A0(H) - User parameter switch 00 (SWUER_00)
Bit 0: Stamp home position
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bits 1 and 2: Scanning contrast home position
Bit 2 1 Setting
0 0 Normal
0 1 Lighten
1 0 Darken
Bit 3: Do not adjust
Bits 4 and 5: Scanning resolution home position
Bit 5 4 Setting
0 0 Standard
0 1 Detail
1 0 Fine
Bit 6: Transmission mode home position
0: Memory tx, 1: Immediate tx
Bit 7: Halftone home position
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
4800A1(H) - User parameter switch 01 (SWUSR_01)
Bits 0 to 6: Not used
Bit 7: Settings return to home position after transmission 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
4800A2(H) - User parameter switch 02 (SWUSR_02)
Bit 0: Forwarding mark printing on forwarded messages 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 1: Center mark printing on received copies
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 2: Reception time printing
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 3: TSI included in transmitted messages
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 4: Checkered mark printing
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 5: CIL printing (G4)
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 6: TID printing (G4)
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Bit 7: Not used
4800A3(H) - User parameter switch 03 (SWUSR_03: Automatic report printout)
Bit 0: Transmission result report (memory transmissions)
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 1: Not used
Bit 2: Memory storage report
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 3: Polling reserve report (polling reception)
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 4: Polling result report (polling reception)
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 5: Transmission result report (immediate transmissions)
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 6: Polling clear report
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 7: TCR (Journal)
0: Off, 1: On
4800A4(H) - User parameter switch 04 (SWUSR04: Automatic report printout)
Bit 0: Automatic confidential reception report output
0: Off, 1: On
Bit 1: Fax On Demand report output
0: Off, 1: On
Bits 2 to 6: Not used
Bit 7: Inclusion of a sample image on reports
0: Off, 1: On
December 21st, 1995